Awards Winning Animated Web-Series showcases why "Representation Matters" for Black People on November 30, 2020 animated shorts DOCUSERIES PBS REPPIN MATTERZ SFL PBS treal toonz WEBSERIES +
The Fun of Treal Toonz Animated Shorts Now Available as Books on AMAZON!!!! on November 30, 2020 animated shorts books catch santa slippin treal toonz trealdrens books young gifted black +
Treal Toonz Animated Short Films About "Social Justice" Awarded at Film Festivals! on November 29, 2020 animated shorts awards biff blackness esmoa film festival kingcasttv police brutality pop pop pop revolutionary act riff social justice +
"Treal Tales: Catch Santa Slippin" Animated Short Film & Book on November 29, 2020 animated shorts catch santa slippin treal toonz +