Treal Toonz Animated Short Films About "Social Justice" Awarded at Film Festivals!

 2020 Has been a great year for Exhibit Treal Studios "Treal Toonz" animations. From the animated web-series "Reppin' Matterz" winning "Best Web Series" at both the Los Angeles Motion Picture Film Festival and Urban Film Festival. To being one an award winner of Filmmaker 2020 leading to "Reppin' Matterz: Jackie Ormes" to being broadcast on South Florida PBS and featured on the PBS app.

Well to add on to the wins, the short films "Pop...Pop...Pop!" and "To love your Blackness is an Revolutionary Act" have been awarded!

"Pop...Pop...Pop" An animated poem centering police violence was awarded "Best Animated Short" at after streaming on KingCast.TV during the Real Reel International Film Festival.

Also keeping with the energy. The short short "To love your Blackness is an Revolutionary Act" has won the 2020 "Ed Summer Supersnipe Animation Award" at Buffalo International Film Festival and though not a finalist award "Semi-Finalist" at EMSoA Video Art + Film Festival 2020.
